Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Alright let's do this.

I've been tossing around the idea of starting one of these things forever and for whatever reason now seems like the time to finally get off my ass and do it. This blog will be primarily focused on three subjects, Buddhism/mindfulness, Punk Rock and Kink/BDSM. If you know me in real life you're probably aware that these are my three favorite subjects and I spend a lot of time contemplating the ways the three connect. Anyway, I'll post when I can/want to. Check back often. For now I will start with a really short, basic post about mindfulness. Enjoy. Or don't. Please do.

A bit of conscious effort to bring mindfulness into every thing we do goes a long way. I would argue that perhaps the most beneficial part of a daily sitting practice is it helps us to get in tune with reality, with the here and now. Once we begin to develop this mindfulness on the cushion it is our responsibility to bring it into the rest of our lives. We start small, by trying our best to be mindful during simple things, like walking or breathing. This practice helps us retrain ourselves to avoid distractions and be present with life. The small things turn into big things and eventually we find that little bit of conscious effort has become effortless, that mindfulness begins to become our natural tendency moreso than avoidance or clinging. It becomes easier to be mindful during all parts of our day, from eating to working, to fucking to taking a shit. We begin to see and appreciate each moment for what it really is. I'm certainly no expert at it myself, but I do know that little bits of effort have provided very real life changes so far and I am excited to see how much growth is possible as my practice continues the rest of my life. Have doubts about mindfulness and meditation? Good. You absolutely should question everything and everyone and find the true answers for yourself. If you'd like to maybe check out the types of things that have worked for me and many others then that's great, but don't take my or anyone else's word for it.

Namaste Dickheads, welcome to my blog


  1. Miguel, I've enjoyed your Facebook posts and I'm sure I will enjoy the blog as well.
    Debe (aka Todd from Clearview's wife)

  2. Cool, Miguel! Will look forward to your posts!
    See you again some day, hombre!

    Cheers, Jesper
